
Obermark strengthens digital competence

Digitalisation expert Dr Johannes Stemmer strengthens the digital competence in the Obermark Group.

The Obermark Group is strengthening its digital expertise: with Dr Johannes Stemmer, a mechanical engineer with a doctorate, the Group is gaining an expert with extensive experience in the SME sector. Born in Westphalia, he shaped various areas for over a decade at the BEUMER Group, a German machine and plant manufacturer with a focus on intralogistics and conveyor systems. Over the past five years, Dr Johannes Stemmer has been responsible for the digital transformation at the international market leader for sorting and distribution technology. Among other things, he was responsible for the development and implementation of a global strategy to establish digital business models in the core business of the BEUMER Group. One element of this work was the establishment of an incubator programme, in which digital innovations are spun off into independent start-ups after successful validation.

Dr Johannes Stemmer will support all companies of the Obermark Group in their digital transformation. "Obermark attaches great importance to securing the future viability of all portfolio companies," he says, "and the success of its digital transformation is crucial for this. I am looking forward to this challenge." With his expertise in digital technologies, he will also support Obermark with regard to the inclusion of new companies in the group. Here, the focus is on the analysis and evaluation of development opportunities in the digital field and the associated growth potential.

This experienced engineer has already been intensively involved with the Obermark. "I particularly like the word 'enduring' in the Obermark slogan. I have only ever worked in family businesses, where you think in terms of generations, not quarters. Obermark's attitude is the same. My work is geared towards long-term goals, with short paths between the decision-making levels. My wish and aspiration is to be able to make a lasting difference and contribute to the company's success," he says, and adds, "I am also looking forward to gaining new experience and learning from new colleagues. The topic of lifelong learning is very important at Obermark. My impression is that people and their personal development are really the focus here."

What also appeals to him about his new job at Obermark is the diversity of the companies in the Obermark portfolio. "We operate in a wide variety of industries, and the companies also have very different levels of digital maturity – so we will be working on very individual approaches," he notes. Dr Johannes Stemmer sees a focus in his work on sustainable digital value creation, e.g., by expanding data expertise and developing new digital business models. The goal is to generate added value for customers in this way and to support the companies' growth.

Dr Stemmer's office is at the Obermark location in Luxembourg; however, he will mainly be on-site at the portfolio companies to actively develop and implement projects there. "I see my role here primarily as a coach and impulse generator; we always find the experts for the respective core business within the portfolio companies," he emphasises.

"To gain such an accomplished expert in digital topics is extremely gratifying for the Obermark Group," says Dr Peter Sewing, co-founder of the Obermark Group. "We are convinced that with him as a team member, we will be able to implement the development and growth of the companies through digital transformation to an even higher degree." Dr Sewing appreciates not only the great experience that Dr Stemmer garnered while at BEUMER Group, but also his human quality: "Johannes has a special professional competence, he is good at listening and explaining complex topics simply, and he shares Obermark's values. Johannes fits in well with our team, our demands and our goals."

Further information:

Dr Peter Sewing
T +352 20 600 20 660